The Pain Of Losing A Google Featured Snippet

A couple of weeks ago we reported a steep dive in the number of featured snippets Google showed in its search results. Those numbers have not improved and not it is settling in that this may be the new norm – for now. Glenn Gabe shared some examples of sites that lost featured snippets on Twitter.

The point of the tweets was to show the obvious, if you rank number one in the organic spot and the featured snippet position is removed, it is probably not a huge deal. But if your organic ranking is position five but you held a featured snippet and that position is gone, it can be a huge deal.

Here are the tweets showing this from Glenn:

If you lose a featured snippet to a competitor, you can try to win it back. If the featured snippet position is gone completely, then you need to work on improving your organic rank.

The featured snippet decline started around February 19, 2021. So was your traffic impacted by this Google change?

Forum discussion at Twitter.