Fake COVID Vaccine Ads On Google

Despite all of Google’s efforts to remove and prevent vaccine misinformation, some do slip through the cracks. Here is one example that was spotted by a former Googler who is now the California Chief Technology Innovation Officer at the California Department of Technology, Rick Klau.

Rick said on Twitter that he just searched for vaccine information for son in Lane County Oregon and this ad from egov dot com slash official underscore site came up. Here is the screenshot – I like to note, I have been trying to get these types of ads to come up in Google randomly for a while and thankfully have been unsuccessful.

click for full size

Ginny Marvin, who left me for Google, said she passed it along to the right people at Google:

Supposedly there has been this type of stuff showing up in the ads here and there but no really easy way to report it?

Have you seen ads like these?

Forum discussion at Twitter.