As you can see from our sample screen shot, once you have your home and work locations set in the application, Bing Maps will show you your commute time right in the widget.
This has been available since the experience launched last August (See our previous blog at Get live traffic updates from Bing Maps on your phone! | Maps Blog). To provide feedback, just shake the phone and an option to provide feedback appears.
It is through this feedback that Commuters told us that they go to more places than just work and home so could they please have the ability to add more places to commute to and from, so we did it!
Just press the “+” sign in the commute screen and the “Add a place dialog will pop up and offer you to either enter a location or choose one from the map.
So as requested, we have started the new extra destinations experience for Android Commute option within the Bing Application for Android.
This feature will allow users to add destinations other than their home and work locations as the users have spoken and said they’d like to add other locations for their Commute, such as their kid’s school, or additional work locations.