I know, I know, this is getting ridiculous, at what won’t do I stop reporting on all these Google algorithm updates that are unconfirmed. But the beginning of 2021 is unlike anything I’ve seen from Google in terms of how volatile the organic search results are.
And yes, I reported about a super large local Google search algorithm update this morning – but local is typically (but not always) different.
In the past 12-hours or so, the WebmasterWorld SEO chatter spiked, significantly, around organic ranking changes in Google Search. Here are some of those comments:
Seems like traffic is starting to recover for me right now. Google ads I’m just focusing on one or two campaigns with ads that have proven to work (so far at least) after close to a thousand ads of a/b testing, so the cpa is really low and conv. rate is really high (for now).
Seeing more changes this morning. Seeing a reversal from the changes I saw on the 28tjh Feb. Anyone else seeing this?
20% down since this weekend.
My SERPs bounce up and down every day…one day gain, on day lose. But my direct traffic has been blitzed this past week. Today traffic has been fine so far, but other days this week I have lost almost half the direct traffic and -30% on my home page. This is just the new normal I think.
Sensors are spiking again. Seeing very very fleeting moments of recovery and then they disappear just as soon as they arrived. But sensor seem to be heading past the level of 2/3 March which is when the worst of whatever this current decline is started.
Clearly there was another update the last few days. Everything is going down again all across the board.
Still movement here in my UK niches. Not a lot but with so much Google clutter a shift from third to fourth can decimate traffic and below that the site might just as well not be there.
Just to catch you up to speed, there was some update, unconfirmed again, this past weekend and then we reported unconfirmed Google updates on January 7th and 8th, January 12th, January 27th, February 8th, February 17th, February 20th, February 24th and 25th, February 26th and 27th, March 2nd and 3rd and then again this weekend, March 6th & 7th or so. Let’s not forget the launch of passage indexing on February 10th.
It has been a busy 2021 – like I said, unlike anything I’ve seen from Google in my history of reporting on Google algorithm updates.
The tools are showing significant signs of updates too over the past 24 hours.
So it has been a pretty wild 2021 and I hope you are riding this out in a positive way.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.